Business & Information Systems Engineering
Digital Democracy: A Wake-Up Call
Christof Weinhardt, Jonas Fegert, Oliver Hinz, and Wil M. P. van der Aalst
Research Papers
SWEL: A Domain-Specific Language for Modeling Data-Intensive Workflows
Rubén Salado-Cid, Antonio Vallecillo, Kamram Munir, and José Raúl Romero
A Taxonomy Development Method to Define the Vocabulary for Rule-Based Guidance in Complex Emerging Technologies
Odette Sangupamba Mwilu, Nicolas Prat, and Isabelle Comyn-Wattiau
The Power of Ethics: Uncovering Technology Risks and Positive Value Potentials in IT Innovation Planning
Kathrin Bednar and Sarah Spiekermann
The Impact of Resource Allocation on the Machine Learning Lifecycle
Sebastian Duda, Peter Hofmann, Fabiane Völter, and Amelie Zwickel
Foundation Models
Johannes Schneider, Christian Meske, and Pauline Kuss
Hybrid Adaptive Systems
Ivo Benke, Michael Knierim, Marc Adam, Michael Beigl, Verena Dorner, Ulrich Ebner-Priemer, Manfred Herrmann, Martin Klarmann, Alexander Maedche, Julia Nafziger, Petra Nieken, Jella Pfeiffer, Clemens Puppe, Felix Putze, Benjamin Scheibehenne, Tanja Schultz, and Christof Weinhardt