Business & Information Systems Engineering
Introducing Registered Reports to the Information Systems Community
Christof Weinhardt, Wil M. P. van der Aalst, and Oliver Hinz
Research Papers
Decision Support for the Automotive Industry - Forecasting Residual Values Using Artificial Neural Networks
Christoph Gleue, Dennis Eilers, Hans-Jörg von Mettenheim, and Michael H. Breitner
OT Modeling: The Enterprise Beyond IT
Mario Sánchez, Paola Lara, and Jorge Villalobos
The Price of Privacy - An Evaluation of the Economic Value of Collecting Clickstream Data
Annika Baumann, Johannes Haupt, Stefan Lessmann, and Fabian Gebert
Why Incorporating a Platform-Intermediary can Increase Crowdsourcees’ Engagement - Case-Study Based Insights
Julia Troll, Ivo Blohm, Jan Marco Leimeister, and Jan M. Leimeister
Conquering the Challenge of Continuous Business Model Improvement - Design of a Repeatable Process
Benedikt Simmert, Philipp Ebel, Christoph Peters, Christoph Peters, and Eva A. C. Bittner
Mathematical Optimization and Algorithms for Offshore Wind Farm Design: An Overview
Martina Fischetti and David Pisinger
A Value Co-creation Perspective on Information Systems Analysis and Design
Michael Blaschke, Kazem Haki, Stephan Aier, and Robert Winter
State of the Art
Simulation-Based Research in Information Systems - Epistemic Implications and a Review of the Status Quo
Jannis Beese, Kazem Haki, Stephan Aier, and Robert Winter
Anthropomorphic Information Systems
Nicolas Pfeuffer, Alexander Benlian, Henner Gimpel, and Oliver Hinz
AI-Based Digital Assistants - Opportunities, Threats, and Research Perspectives
Alexander Maedche, Christine Legner, Stefan Morana, Alexander Benlian, Benedikt Berger, Thomas Hess, Henner Gimpel, Oliver Hinz, and Matthias Söllner
Call for Papers
Call for Papers, Issue 1/2021 - AI-Based Information Systems
Peter Buxmann, Thomas Hess, and Jason Thatcher