Business & Information Systems Engineering
The “Transparent Citizen” in Web 2.0
Hans Ulrich Buhl and Guenter Mueller
Editorial Note
Online statistics of Business & Information Systems Engineering (BISE) /WIRTSCHAFTSINFORMATIK
Hans Ulrich Buhl
Research Papers
IT Competence in Internet Founder Teams - An Analysis of Preferences and Product Innovativity
Matthias Häsel and Tobias Kollmann
Cost-Benefit Analysis for the Selection, Migration, and Operation of a Campus Management System
Jon Sprenger, Marc Klages, and Michael H. Breitner
State of the Art
Collective Intelligence
Jan Marco Leimeister
National Research and International Competitiveness – An Antinomy?
Peter Loos, Wolfgang König, Hubert Österle, Marco de Marco, Joan A. Pastor, and Frantz Rowe
Call for Papers
Call for Papers Issue 1/2012: Internet of Energy/Smart Grids
Orestis Terzidis, Hans-Jürgen Appelrath, and Christof Weinhardt