DataEcoSys - Data EcoSystem in Information Systems

Driven by the digitalization of almost any sphere of life, data has become humankind’s most essential and most valuable resource. That has been recognized by global and now data-driven technology companies such as Apple, Google, and Amazon and by governing organizations like the European Union. Contrary to physical resources, data do not perish when shared, introducing a paradigm shift in inter-organizational cooperation. For example, companies can share data on customers and processes without the need to empty a data repository to optimize more efficiently and build new products and services. However, to be able to utilize this data in a secure, fair, and, above all, value-creating manner, it is necessary to establish shared data spaces and -platforms. This track focuses specifically on the critical role of data and co-creation in the design, emergence, and adoption of data ecosystems from both a generalist and domain-specific perspective.

Particularly in the context of ecosystem design and development, there are limited contributions addressing topics such as data-sharing or design methodologies within the literature. Moreover, research on data ecosystems is conducted by scholars from different disciplinary perspectives, such as data science, management science, or database systems. To establish common ground and advance this research area, this track brings together scholars and practitioners working on the various aspects of data-driven ecosystems.

Track Chairs:
Gero Strobel, University Duisburg-Essen,
Frederik Möller, TU Dortmund,

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Wednesday, August 10th
12:00 AM

Crafting an IoT-Ecosystem – A Three-Phased Approach

Sven Kurrle, Ferdinand-Steinbeis-Institut
Jens F. Lachenmaier, University of Stuttgart
Heiner Lasi, Ferdinand-Steinbeis-Institut

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

Data Analytics Services for Additive Manufacturing Ecosystems

Kathrin Pfähler, University of Stuttgart
Henning Baars, Chair of Information Systems 1
Simon Hiller, Ferdinand-Steinbeis-Institut
Dominik Morar, University of Stuttgart
Dimitri Petrik, University of Stuttgart

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

Data Quality in Data Ecosystems: Towards a Design Theory

Marcel Altendeitering, Fraunhofer ISST
Stephan Dübler, Fraunhofer ISST
Tobias Moritz Guggenberger, TU Dortmund University

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

Data Sharing in the German Food Industry - Empirical Insights

Hannah Stein, German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI)
Calvin Rix, Institute for Industrial Management (FIR) at RWTH Aachen University
Anna Effertz, Agricultural Market Information Company (AMI)
Sven Bergau, Agricultural Market Information Company (AMI)
Wolfgang Maass, German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI)

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

Towards a Framework for Enterprise & Platform Ecosystem Data Governance

Niklas Scholz, Heilbronn University
Jannik Wieland, Hochschule Heilbronn
Thomas Schäffer, Hochschule Heilbronn

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

Value Modeling in IoT Ecosystems with a Central Trusted Entity – Qualitative Interviews and Explorative Case Study

Maxmilian Werling, Ferdinand Steinbeis Institute
Patrick Weber, Ferdinand-Steinbeis-Institut
Ann Tank, University of Stuttgart

12:00 AM