IS Leadership and the IT Profession (SIG LEAD)
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The impact of COVID-19 on teamwork came abrupt and transformed nearly all teams into virtual teams. A special challenge for leaders of virtual teams, not only in the pandemic, is to foster team cohesion, which positive influences team performance. However, many virtual leaders do not implement cohe-sion-empowering measures, which in turn can reduce team members’ feeling of belonging to both the team and the organization. Our research responds to this short-coming and presents measures which virtual leaders can integrate to strengthen cohesion. Within 40 interviews in 24 organizations, we identi-fy a wide and comprehensible overview of measures, which can be categorized into “on the job” and “off the job”. Hereby, we not only want to help to overcome the feeling of “loneliness” and “isolation” in the pandemic, but rather contribute to develop a profound feeling of cohesion in virtual teams in the long-term.
Recommended Citation
Zeuge, Anna; Schaefer, Cindy; Weigel, Andreas; and Niehaves, Bjoern, "Happy Together - How can Virtual Leaders Foster Team Cohesion?" (2021). AMCIS 2021 Proceedings. 3.
Happy Together - How can Virtual Leaders Foster Team Cohesion?
The impact of COVID-19 on teamwork came abrupt and transformed nearly all teams into virtual teams. A special challenge for leaders of virtual teams, not only in the pandemic, is to foster team cohesion, which positive influences team performance. However, many virtual leaders do not implement cohe-sion-empowering measures, which in turn can reduce team members’ feeling of belonging to both the team and the organization. Our research responds to this short-coming and presents measures which virtual leaders can integrate to strengthen cohesion. Within 40 interviews in 24 organizations, we identi-fy a wide and comprehensible overview of measures, which can be categorized into “on the job” and “off the job”. Hereby, we not only want to help to overcome the feeling of “loneliness” and “isolation” in the pandemic, but rather contribute to develop a profound feeling of cohesion in virtual teams in the long-term.
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