AMCIS 2021 Proceedings
The 27th annual Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS) includes completed research papers, Emergent Research Forum (ERF) papers, Professional Development Symposia (PDS), panels, workshops and Technology Research, Education, and Opinion (TREO) talks. AMCIS 2021 will be held online August 9-13, 2021 along the conference theme “Digital Innovation and Entrepreneurship”. With you, we present an exciting program that draws upon the best of SIG-driven AMCIS traditions and continues successful initiatives such as the ERFs and TREO Talks. AMCIS 2021 provides thought-provoking presentations and stimulating discussions that exemplify what fun it can be to work in this incredible discipline of ours.
Conference Co-Chairs
Yolande Chan, Ph.D., McGill University, Canada
Maric Boudreau, Ph.D., University of Georgia, USA
Program Co-Chairs
Benoit Aubert, Ph.D., HEC Montreal, Canada
Guy Pare, Ph.D., HEC Montreal, Canada
Wynne Chin, Ph.D., University of Houston, USA
AMCIS 2021 ISBN is 978-1-7336325-8-4
Browse the contents of AMCIS 2021 Proceedings:
- Accounting Info Systems (SIG ASYS)
- Adoption and Diffusion of IT (SIG ADIT)
- Advances in Information Systems (General Track)
- Artificial Intelligence and Semantic Technologies for Intelligence Systems (SIG ODIS)
- Cognitive Research in IS (SIG CORE)
- Data Science and Analytics for Decision Support (SIG DSA)
- Digital Agility
- Digital Innovation and Entrepreneurship (SIG DITE)
- Digital technology for the Indigenous, of the Indigenous, and by the Indigenous
- Enterprise Systems (SIG EntSys)
- Global Development (SIG GlobDev)
- Global, International, and Cross Cultural Research in Info Systems (SIG CCRIS)
- Green IS and Sustainability (SIG Green)
- Healthcare Informatics & Health Information Technology (SIG Health)
- Human-Computer Interaction (SIG HCI)
- Information Security and Privacy (SIG SEC)
- IS in Education, IS Curriculum & Teaching Cases (SIG ED)
- IS Leadership and the IT Profession (SIG LEAD)
- IT Project Management (SIG ITProjMgmt)
- Organization Transformation & Information Systems (SIG ORSA)
- Panels
- Philosophy, Psychology and Sociology of Digital Innovation & Entrepreneurship (SIG PHIL)
- Professional Development Symposia (PDS)
- Select Recordings from Conference
- Social Computing
- Social Inclusion and Social-Technical Issues (SIG SI)
- Spanish, Portuguese, and Latin America (LACAIS Chapter)
- Strategic and Competitive Uses of Information & Digital Technologies (SCUIDT)
- Systems Analysis and Design (SIG SAND)
- Virtual Communities and Collaboration
- Workshops