Healthcare Informatics & Health Information Technology (SIG Health)

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Personalizing telehealth services in a manner that accounts for patients' preferences and interaction abilities could significantly improve patient adherence to telehealth treatment plans. We propose a service design method anchored in the concept of Value-in-Use (SerViU) to achieve such personalization. SerViU focuses on the level of patients’ personal service encounters within a telehealth service to support a continuous Use-Assess-Personalize process throughout the treatment duration. SerViU guides the decision-making about the personalization of a telehealth service by integrating an existing framework of information communication technology (ICT) service personalization that identifies three dimensions of personalization: architectural, relational, and technological. This research contributes to Health-IT research by providing a method that guides transforming standardized telehealth services into personalized services. This research also contributes to the service design research by differentiating between standard and personal service encounter levels, which is paramount to better supporting the personalization of ICT-enabled services.


Aug 9th, 12:00 AM

Toward a Service Design Method for Telehealth Personalization

Personalizing telehealth services in a manner that accounts for patients' preferences and interaction abilities could significantly improve patient adherence to telehealth treatment plans. We propose a service design method anchored in the concept of Value-in-Use (SerViU) to achieve such personalization. SerViU focuses on the level of patients’ personal service encounters within a telehealth service to support a continuous Use-Assess-Personalize process throughout the treatment duration. SerViU guides the decision-making about the personalization of a telehealth service by integrating an existing framework of information communication technology (ICT) service personalization that identifies three dimensions of personalization: architectural, relational, and technological. This research contributes to Health-IT research by providing a method that guides transforming standardized telehealth services into personalized services. This research also contributes to the service design research by differentiating between standard and personal service encounter levels, which is paramount to better supporting the personalization of ICT-enabled services.

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