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Thursday, August 16th
12:00 AM

Benefits of Blockchain for Digital Social Currency

Dênis Rodrigues, FGV - EAESP
Alexandra Cunha, FGV - EAESP
Fernando Meirelles, FGV - EAESP
Eduardo Diniz, FGV - EAESP

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Caracterizando os usuários de Internet no Brasil: uma análise a partir das habilidades digitais - Characterizing Brazilian Internet Users: An analysis based on Digital Skills

Marcelo Henrique de Araujo, University of Sao Paulo
Nicolau Reinhard, University of Sao Paulo

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Does Business Intelligence and Analytics Leverage Dynamic and Operational Capabilities? An Empirical Study in a Brazilian Telecommunications Company

Valter Moreno, UERJ
Wagner Carvalho, Master's in Management Program, Ibmec
Flavia Cavazotte, IAG/PUC-RJ

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Dynamics of the IT adoption: exploring changes in the cognitive models of a user

Alejandro Cataldo, Universidad de Talca
Gustavo Farias, Universidad de Talca
Cristobal Gonzalez, Universidad de Talca

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E-Services Provided by Local Governments in Chile: A Comparative Analysis

Valentina Bustos, Universidad Catolica del Norte
Aurora Sanchez-Ortiz, Universidad Catolica del Norte

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Evaluación de Efectividad de Recursos Educativos Digitales - Evaluation of Effectiveness of Digital Educational Resources

Luis Alberto Gómez del Campo, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Guillermo Rodríguez-Abitia, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

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Factors Influencing Premium Pricing in e-Marketplaces

Michael Van Der Linden, University of São Paulo
Cesar Alexandre Souza, University of São Paulo

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Facts or Opinions? Making Sense through Social Media

Jose Ortiz, University of Auckland

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Fintech Social: Definição, Categorização e Ilustrações Empíricas - Social Fintech: Definition, Categorization and Empirical Illustration

Erica Siqueira, Ph.D Student EAESP/FGV
Eduardo Diniz, Professor at EAESP/FGV
Raphael Albino, Ph.D Student FEA/USP

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From Signs to Insights: the Moderating Role of the Absorptive Capacity between Strategic Foresight and the Firm’s Sustainability

Yuri Zaidan, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
Raquel Janissek-Muniz, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul

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It Is So (If You Think So): Social Representation Theory and Constructs Definition in the MIS Area in Brazil

Luiz Antonio Joia, Brazilian School of Public and Business Admistration at Getulio Vargas Foundation
Gustavo Marchisotti, Pontificial Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro

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Mejorando la Circulación de Vehículos: Simulación con Semáforos Inteligentes - Improving Traffic: Simulation with Smart Traffic Lights

Luis Carpio Ali, ESAN Graduate School of Business
Alex Oviedo Meneses, ESAN Graduate School of Business
Shirley Reynozo Torres, ESAN Graduate School of Business
Arnaldo Tejada Espinoza, ESAN Graduate School of Business
Jose Antonio Robles Flores, ESAN Graduate School of Business

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Necesidad de Uso de Tecnologías para el Aprendizaje y el Conocimiento en Adolescentes - Need of Use of Knowledge and Learning Technologies in Adolescents

Marco Antonio Vera-Ramírez, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Guillermo Rodríguez-Abitia, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

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Quality of Tests in Virtual Learning Environments: a Study Based on Classical Test Theory and Facility and Discrimination Indexes

Bruno Araújo, FEA-USP
Adriana Viana, FEA-USP
Daielly Mantovani, FEA-USP
Celso Machado Jr, FMU

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Uso de CRM Social para mejorar Campañas de Marketing Dirigido en Sector Minorista - Use of Social CRM to improve Targeted Marketing Campaigns in the Retail Sector

Victor W. Bohorquez Lopez, Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra
Edwin Huaynate, Universidad de Lima
Christiam Mendez, Universidad de Lima

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