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A Study of Antecedents of Sense of Presence in Virtual World: Virtual Presence vs. Social Presence

Dan Kim, University of North Texas
Mohammadreza Mousavizadeh, University of North Texas
Mohammadreza Mousavizadeh, University of North Texas-College of Business

A Virtual Crowdsourcing Community for Open Collaboration in Science Processes

Felix Michel, Technical University Munich
Yolanda Gil, University of Southern California
Varun Ratnakar, University of Southern California
Matheus Hauder, Technical University Munich

Do You Need to Pay For Online Community: A Comparison Study

Yuanxiang Li, Iowa State University
Dan Zhu, Iowa State University

Identity Communication in Virtual Teams: Insights from Interviews with Working Professionals

Susan Brown, University of Arizona
Sarah Harris, University of Arizona
Sherry Thatcher, University of South Carolina
David Wilson, University of Oklahoma

Knowledge Exchange via Unified Communication Services: A Grounded Theory Approach

Simon Cleveland, Nova Southeastern University
Timothy Ellis, Nova Southeastern University
Crissy Hinojosa, Nova Southeastern University

Leveraging Co-innovation Practices on Business-to-Business Virtual Communities

Nick Hajli, Newcastle University
Shih-Hui Hsiao, University of Kentucky
Yichuan Wang, Auburn University
Zhiguo Yang, University of Kentucky

Optimal Environment for Flamers: Information Overload and its Effect on Hostile Behaviors

Sanghyung Jin, Ajou University
Cheul Rhee, Ajou University

Predicting Big Movers Based on Online Stock Forum Sentiment Analysis

Mohammad Al-Ramahi, Dakota State University
Yenling Chang, Dakota State University
Omar El-Gayar, Dakota State University
Jun Liu, Dakota State University

The Influence of Peers Social Structure in Healthcare Social Networking Websites

Mohammad Al-Ramahi, Dakota State University
Insu Park, Dakota State University

The Role of Microblogging Capacities in Knowledge Sharing and Collaboration in Virtual Teams

Simon Cleveland, Nova Southeastern University
Timothy Ellis, Nova Southeastern University

They’ll Know It When They See It: Analyzing Post-Release Feedback from the Android Community

Chan Won Lee, University of Otago
Sherlock Licorish, University of Otago
Stephen MacDonell, University of Otago
Priyanka Patel, University of Otago
Tony Savarimuthu, University of Otago

Understanding How Hospitals Use Social Media: An Exploratory Study of Facebook Posts

Nima Kordzadeh, Idaho State University
Diana Young, University of Texas at San Antonio

Virtual Business Communities to Improve Symbiotic Resource Sharing

Ricardo Cruz, SAP
Norberto Hoppen, UNISINOS
Eduardo Rigoni, UFRGS
Eduardo Rigoni, UNISINOS