Submissions from 2007
An Augmented Approach To Support Collaborative Distance Learning Of Unified Modeling Language, Keng Siau, Fiona Nah, Brenda Eschenbrenner, and Ashu Guru
Business Intelligence Impact Assessment, Mohammed Sidahmed
Aligning IT Strategy to Business Strategy in a Multi-Business Company, A.J. Silvius
Improving Usability of Analysis Sequence Diagram in Transaction-Oriented Applications, Thant Sin
An Integrated Social Actor and Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) Approach for Improved Electronic Health Record (EHR) Privacy and Confidentiality in the US National Healthcare Information Network (NHIN), Elliot Sloane, Gondy Leroy, and Steven Sheetz
Improving Reliability and Power Management of Patient Monitoring Solutions Based on Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, Sweta Sneha
Towards the Causal Structure of Problems in Enterprise System Adoption, Piotr Soja and Graznya Paliwoda-Pekosz
Out of Fear or Desire: Why do Employees Follow Information Systems Security Policies?, Jai-Yeol Son and Hyeun-Suk Rhee
ICT Investment Impacts on Future Levels of Democracy, Corruption, and E-Government Acceptance in Emerging Countries, Daniel Soper
Towards a Benefits Realization Roadmap for ERP Usage in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises, Jose Sousa
IT expenditure in a Dutch Hospital, Ronald Spanjers
Incorporating M-Commerce into Organizational Strategy: A Case Study in the Tourism Sector, Amit Srivastava, Rana Tassabehji, and James Wallace
Offshore Sourcing Decisions, Shirish C. Srivastava
Is Offshore Sourcing Decision a Strategic Response to Declining Firm Performance?, Shirish C. Srivastava, Thompson Teo, and Partha Mohapatra
Privacy in the YouTube Era: Evolving Concepts in the Protection of Personal Information, Jeffrey Stanton, Hamid Nemati, Soon Chun, and Jengchung Chen
Ten Years of The Philosophical Foundations Mini-Track at AMCIS - Some Patterns, Douglas Steel, Jaana Porra, and Michael Parks
IT Innovation Persistence: An Exploratory Analysis, Theophanis Stratopoulos and Jee-Hae Lim
An Integrated Framework for Code Reuse and Refactoring in Extreme Programming, Vijayan Sugumaran and Gerald DeHondt
A Research Model of Relationship Quality in E-Commerce: Connecting IS Factors with Marketing Profitability, Heshan Sun, Ping Zhang, and Xue Xiao
Knowledge Management Practices in Thai SMEs:Influence of SME Characteristics on Knowledge Management Processes, Varintorn Supyuenyong, Nazrul Islam, and Uday Kulkarni
Aligning Information Systems Security and Usability Requirements for Computer-Based Information Systems, Santa Susarapu
Why Do Firms Have Information Systems?, E. Burton Swanson
User Experience Design: A Strategy for Competitive Advantage, David Sward
Offshoring of Software Development from Japan to China, Nobuhiro Takahashi and Mita Li
An Open Platform for Context-aware Short Message Service, Heng Tang, Shaoyi Liao, and JingJun Xu
Exploring the Value Structure Behind Mobile Auction Adoption Intention, Ya Tang and Paul Forster
TQM in IS?: The Case of a Government Agency in Singapore, Michael Tan, Hung-Pheng Tan, and Nian-Jin Lee
Design Science Research on Systems Analysis and Design: The Case of UML, Xin Tan, Keng Siau, and John Erickson
Optimal Staffing Policy and Telemedicine, Hakan Tarakci, Moosa Sharafali, and Zafer Ozdemir
Interface Design for Handheld Mobile Devices, Peter Tarasewich, Jun Gong, and Fiona Nah
A Facilitators' Perspective on Successful Virtual Communities of Practice, Halbana Tarmizi, Gert-Jan de Vreede, and Ilze Zigurs
ISO Security Standards as a Leverage on IT Security Management, Igli Tashi and Solange Ghernaouti-Hallie
The Influence of WebCT Information Technology and Structure of Instruction on Students Academic Performance, Konstantin Taskov
Facilitating Browsing with Information Visualization: A Cognitive Fit Perspective, Stella Taylor, David Schuff, and Ozgur Turetken
Contents of Information Strategies in Practice, Alexander Teubner and Martin Mocker
RFID-Enabled Shelf Replenishment with Case-Level Tagging: A Simulation Study, Frederic Thiesse, E. Fleisch, C. Sorensen, and Christian Tellkamp
Assessing the Impact of Privacy-Enhancing Technologies for RFID in the Retail Industry, Frederic Thiesse, Christian Floerkemeier, E. Fleisch, and C. Sorensen
Connecting Mobile Phones to the Internet of Things: A Discussion of Compatibility Issues Between EPC and NFC, Frederic Thiesse, Florian Michahelles, Patrick Schmitt, E. Fleisch, E. Fleisch, C. Sorensen, and C. Sorensen
Towards Enhanced Business Process Models Based on Fuzzy Attributes and Rules, Oliver Thomas, Thorsten Dollmann, and Peter Loos
Mobile Technologies for Efficient Service Processes: A Case Study in the German Machine and Plant Construction Industry, Oliver Thomas, Philipp Walter, Peter Loos, Markus Nuttgens, and Michael Schlicker
Jamaica: Implementing the National ICT Strategy through Policy and Initiatives, Sheryl Thompson
The Role of the Business Unit CIO: A Study of the Interaction Between Corporate IT Governance and Local Leadership, Alan Thorogood and Colin Wood
Programming Standards for the Information Systems Curriculum, Julie Tomlin, John Hoxmeier, and Susan Athey
Usability in Multiple Monitor Displays, Jake Truemper, Richard Hall, Morris Kalliny, and Hong Sheng
Cost Impacts on Information Lifecycle Management Design, Lars Turczyk, Martin Behrens, Nicolas Liebau, and Ralf Steinmetz
A Method for File Valuation in Information Lifecycle Management, Lars Turczyk, Marcel Groepl, Nicolas Liebau, and Ralf Steinmetz
Modeling Information Lifecycle Management, Lars Turczyk and Nicolas Liebau
Measuring Mobile Device Usability as a Second Order Construct in Mobile Information Systems, Andrew Urbaczewski and Matti Koivisto
The Adoption of Open Source Desktop Software in a Large Public Administration, Kris Ven, Philip Huysmans, and Jan Verelst
Mind the Gap: Positioning Information Systems/Information Technology within the Process of Post-merger Integration, Dragos Vieru and Suzanne Rivard
Comunidades Virtuales Como Alternativa Para Facilitar el Intercambio de Conocimiento en Organizaciones, Edgar Vilcapoma-Escurra and Jose-Antonio Robles-Flores
Service-Oriented Enterprises and Architectures: State of the Art and Research Opportunities, Padmal Vitharana, Kumar Bhaskaran, Hemant Jain, Harry Wang, Leon Zhao, and Leon Zhao
Dissemination of Culture in a Networked World: The Influence of Network Structure on the Outcomes of the Axelrod Cultural Model, Sascha Vitzthum
How to Manage Knowledge Transfer in IT - Outsourcing Relationships Towards a Reference Model, Ben Voigt, Jaminko Novak, and Gerhard Schwabe
Computer Interaction for Older Users: A Literature Review, Nicole Wagner, Khaled Hassanein, and Milena Head
Exploration vs. Exploitation: An IT Dilemma?, Nitin Walia and Peter Haried
Mobile Computing Technologies and Organizational Control:A Disciplinary Power Perspective, Jijie Wang
Investigating the Roles of Virtual Experience in Consumers' Online Purchasing Decisions, Ken Wang and Pratim Datta
Essays on Global Knowledge Management Systems Use, Yinglei Wang
A Ten-Year Odyssey of the 'IS Productivity Paradox' - A Citation Analysis (1996-2006), Zeying Wan, Yulin Fang, and Michael Wade
Computer Forensics, E-Discovery, and Spoliation: Impact of the New Federal Rules, Burke Ward, Janice Sipior, Linda Volonino, and Georgina Peterson
Risk Perspectives in Systems Development, Merrill Warkentin, Ernst Bekkering, Allen Johnston, and Robert Moore
An Assessment of U.S. and Chinese Online Gaming Environments and Futures, Merrill Warkentin, Chengqi Guo, Xin Luo, and Feifei Xie
The IT Security Adoption Conundrum: An Initial Step Toward Validation of Applicable Measures, Merrill Warkentin, Jordan Shropshire, and Allen Johnston
Creating Innovation Systems through Virtual Communities, Molly Wasko, Robin Teigland, and Brian Donnellan
E-government Implementation in Zambia: Contributing Factors, Vishanth Weerakkody, Yogesh Dwivedi, Mike Williams, Laurence Brooks, and Anthony Mwange
Problems, Challenges, and Suggestions for Reverse Logistics of Publishing Industry in China, Cansheng Wei and Yongjian Li
The Influence of Website Quality and Expectancy-Disconfirmation on Assessments of Service Quality: A Signaling Theory Perspective, John Wells, Ryan Wright, and Thomas Carnigan
A Dynamic Voting Wiki Model, Connie White, Linda Plotnick, Murray Turoff, and Starr Roxanne Hiltz
Knowledge Management: The Hidden Power Behind Network-Centric Healthcare, Nilmini Wickramasinghe, Rajeev Bali, Brian Lehaney, Ian Marshall, and Raouf Naguib
Measuring Web-based Service Quality: The Online Customer Point of View, Rolf Wigand and Samar Swaid
Lessons Learned in Health Care Research: Four IS Case Studies, Sonja Wiley-Patton, Aisha Malloy, Dorothea Abraham, Stephanie Mills, Suzanne Pawlowski, Karen Hare, Sean Lane, Irma Becerra, and Bill Sallas
Closing the Defect Reduction Gap Between Software Inspection and Test-Driven Development: Applying Mutation Analysis to Iterative Test-First Programming, Jerod Wilkerson
Information Technology Sourcing Research: Critique, Lessons and Prospects, Leslie Willcocks, Mary Lacity, and Sara Cullen
Managing the Implementation of an Enterprise System in an Accounting and Finance Environment, Janet Williams and Michael Williams
The Influence of Demographic Variables on Citizens' Adoption of E-Government, Michael Williams and Yogesh Dwivedi
Modeling the Motivating and Enabling Factors of Students' Acceptance of Web-Based Course Management Systems, Michael Williams, Janet Williams, and Jun Chen
Banking Regulatory Response - The Case of Strong Authentication, Paul Witman
An Information Technology Therapy Approach to Micro-enterprise Adoption of ICTs, Peter Wolcott, Sajda Qureshi, and Mehruz Kamal
An Investigation of the Effects of ERP Post-Implementation Support Structure on ERP/Business Unit Fit, James Worrell
Perceptions of Information Technology Risk: A Delphi Study, James Worrell and Ashley Bush
Electronic Trading Venue Peers, Adrian Wranik
Key Considerations for Designing Electronic Medical Records Systems, Edward Wright and Michel Avital
An Exploratory Study of Capturing and Reusing Project Knowledge from a Stage-based Perspective, I-Chin Wu and William Wang
Exploring the Link Between Knowledge Management Performance and Firm Performance, Jiming Wu
Why They Enjoy Using This Gaming Application, Jiming Wu and Pentago Li
Community Response Grids for Older Adults: Motivations, Usability, and Sociability, Philip Wu, Jenny Preece, Ben Shneiderman, Paul Jaeger, and Yan Qu
Cultural Aspects of Emergence of e- Relationships: A Study in a Newly Formed Large Chinese Telecom Enterprise, Susanna Xu and Joe Nandhakumar
A SCOR-Based Method for Supply Chain Process Reengineering with Applications in Chinese Automotive Industry, Jianyuan Yan, Kai Li, and Dongliang Qiu
Antecedents and Performance Effects of IT-Business Strategic Alignment, Ali Yayla
How the Organizations Change in ERP Implementation, Jen-Yin Yeh
Antecedent factors influencing customer decision support satisfaction from e-WOM systems, Chul Yoo, Junghoon Moon, and Youngchan Choe
Investigating the Antecedents and Benefits of SOA Implementation: A Multi-Case Study Approach, Tom Yoon and Pamela Carter
Knowledge Sharing as a Work of Self-Presentation: A Phenomenological Study in Knowledge Management Systems, Mei-Lien Young and Feng-Yang Kuo
How May E-Learning Groups Interact?, Chia-Ping Yu and Feng-Yang Kuo
A Model of Identity Credibility in Virtual Communities: An Elaboration Likelihood Model Perspective, Jie Yu, Zhenhui Jiang, and Hock Chan