Submissions from 2007
Know Thyself: The Importance of Identity in Achieving Software Development Project Temporal Success, Jeff Crawford
Semantic Machine Translation in Object Oriented Programming: Toward a Comprehensive, Idiomatic Model for Multilingual Communication, Philip Crowder and David Marlow
A Realist Social Theory of Information Systems, Michael Cuellar
A Study of the Nature of the Deaf Effect Response to Bad News Reporting, Michael Cuellar
The Essential Components of Disaster Recovery Methods: A Delphi Study Among Small Businesses, Barry Cumbie
An Investigation of Consumer's Security and Privacy Perceptions in Mobile Commerce, Hua Dai, Lakshmi Iyer, and Rahul Singh
Intention to Use Mobile Commerce: A Demographic Analysis of the Chinese Market, Hua Dai, Rahul Singh, and Lakshmi Iyer
Knowledge Creation in Virtual Communities of Patients: The Role of Quality Assurance, Achim Dannecker and Ulrike Lechner
Towards a Research Agenda for Virtual Communities, Achim Dannecker and Jan-Marco Leimeister
A Design Theory for Secure Semantic eBusiness Processes, Fergle DAubeterre
Secure Integration of eBusiness Processes in the Extended-Enterprise, Fergle DAubeterre, Rahul Singh, Lakshmi Iyer, and Richard Ehrhardt
The Emergence of On-Demand Software Aggregators: Implications for Developers, Customers, and Software Companies, Julie David and Arti Mann
Designing ThinkLets for Convergence, Alanah Davis, Gert-Jan de Vreede, and Robert Briggs
The Influence of Online Word of Mouth on Product Sales in Retail E-commerce: An Empirical Investigation, Alanah Davis and Deepak Khazanchi
Outsourcing and the Arbitrage Myth: Valuing the Intrinsic Risk of IT Offshoring, James Davis
Examining the Relationships Among Personality Traits, IT-specific Traits, and Perceived Ease of Use, Joshua Davis, Lorraine Lee, and Mun Yi
Roles of Information Technology in Distributed and Open Innovation Process, Kevin Desouza, Yukika Awazu, Christoph Wecht, Jeffrey Kim, and Sanjeev Jha
Where Have All the Students Gone? Strategies for Tackling Falling Enrollments, Geoffrey Dick, Mary Granger, Carolyn Jacobson, and Craig van Slyke
Gender Preferences in Web Design: Usability Testing through Eye Tracking, Soussan Djamasbi, Thomas Tullis, Joseph Hsu, Erin Mazuera, Kelly Osberg, and John Bosch
Understanding Organizational Transformation from IT Implementations: A Look at Structuration Theory, Linying Dong and Thilini Ariyachandra
The Influence of Top Management Team Characteristics on the Contribution of Enterprise Information Systems to Long-Term Firm Performance, Carlos Dorantes
Ethics for Information Resource Management: The Role of Objective Ethical Standards in Decision-Making, John Drake, Charles Snyder, and Casey Cegielski
Task Technology Fit, The Social Technical Gap and Social Networking Sites, Catherine Dwyer
Trust and Privacy Concern Within Social Networking Sites: A Comparison of Facebook and MySpace, Catherine Dwyer, Starr Roxanne Hiltz, and Katia Passerini
Information Security in the Extended Enterprise: A Research Agenda, Scott Dynes, Lutz Kolbe, and Ragnar Schierholz
A Service Model for the Development of Management Systems for IT-enabled Services, Nico Ebert, Falk Uebernickel, Axel Hochstein, and Walter Brenner
An Approach for Capacity Planning of Web Service Workflows, Julian Eckert, Nicolas Repp, Stefan Schulte, Rainer Berbner, and Ralf Steinmetz
How to Convince People Who Don't Like IT to Use IT: A Case Study on E-Recruiting, Andreas Eckhardt, Tim Weitzel, Wolfgang Koenig, and Josef Buschbacher
Mediated Interaction: Social Informatics in the Era of Ubiquitous Computing, Hamid Ekbia
Evaluating Students' Acceptance and Use of Tablet PCs in Collegiate Classrooms, Omar El-Gayar and Mark Moran
Studies in Adaptation to Information Systems: Multiple Roles and Coping Strategies, Christophe Elie-dit-cosaque
Measuring User Coping Strategies of Adaptation to Information Technologies, Christophe Elie-dit-cosaque and Christophe Elie-dit-cosaque
Knowledge Transfer for ERP Upgrades, Jeff Erickson and Judy Scott
Investigating Data Integration Using Sequence Analysis and Process Tracking, Joerg Evermann
Toward Recruitment And Retention Strategies Based on the Early Exposure to the IT Occupational Culture, Isabelle Fagnot, Indira Guzman, and Jeffrey Stanton
The Moderating Role of Perceived Effectiveness of Third-Party Control on Trust and Online Purchasing Intentions, Yulin Fang, Israr Qureshi, Patrick McCole, and Elaine Ramsey
RFID and Interorganizational Collaboration: Political and Administrative Challenges, Jane Fedorowicz, Janis Gogan, and Christine Williams
Improving Mutual Understanding of Development Artifacts: A Semiotics-Based Approach, Jenniifer Ferreira, Robert Crossler, and Gary Haggard
Acceptance and Benefits of Web-based Self-Assessments at Universities, Sonja Fischer, Michael Amberg, and Nadja Knarr
Health Information Websites: Is the Health Consumer Being Well-Served?, Julie Fisher, Frada Burstein, Kathy Lynch, Kate Lazarenko, and Sue McKemmish
An Empirical Study Examining the Usage and Perceived Importance of XP Practices, Ann Fruhling and Jessica Zhang
Assessing Business Process Security Awareness: A Service-Oriented Approach, Mariagrazia Fugini, Ernesto Damiani, and Karl Reed
Time for a Change: An Exploration of Information Systems Discontinuance, Brent Furneaux
Explaining Radical Technology-Based Innovations in Organizations, Uri Gal, Kalle Lyytinen, Jessica Carlo, and Gregory Rose
Web 2.0: Conceptual Framework and Research Directions, Jai Ganesh and Srinivas Padmanabhuni
Improving the Knowledge Base by Integrating Vital Sign Data into Pre-Hospital Patient Care Records, Mark Gaynor, Dan Myung, and Steven Moulton
Improving the Knowledge Base by Integrating Vital Sign Data into Pre-Hospital Patient Care Records, Mark Gaynor, Dan Myung, Joseph Restuccia, and Steven Moulton
Differences in Contracting: Anchoring Formal and Relational Norms within BPO Governance, Cornelia Gellings and Kim Wuellenweber
Estimating Risk in Information Technology Projects, Andrew Gemino, Christopher Sauer, and Blaize Reich
On the Centrality of Social Norms in Determining MBA Program Success, Nitza Geri, Orr Mendelson, and David Gefen
The Role of Social Capital in Determining BPO Outcome, Biswadip Ghosh
Studying Microscopic Peer-to-Peer Communication Patterns, Peter Gloor, Daniel Oster, Kai Fischbach, Koji Ara, Robert Laubacher, and Benjamin Waber
Confidence in Crises: Time-Pressed Interorganizational Information Sharing, Janis Gogan, Monica Garfield, and Mary-Ann Robbert
An Extended Model of IT Governance: A Conceptual Proposal, Gerald Grant, Allen Brown, Aareni Uruthirapathy, and Shawn McKnight
Building Consumer-to-Consumer Trust in e-Finance Marketplaces, Martina Greiner and Hui Wang
A Cross-Discipline Investigation of Students' Acceptance of Podcasting as a Learning Tool, Michele Gribbins and Harshavardhan Bapat
Managing Project-Based IS Initiatives in the Vocational and Technical Education Sector of Developing Asian Countries: A Soft Systems Approach to Identifying the Role of Information and Information Systems, Channa Gunawardena and David Brown
Online Communication & Baby Boomers: Current Use, Preferences, and Future Expectations, David Gurzick, A. Ozok, and Barbara Morris
Comparing Alignment Factors in SMEs and Large Organizations: A Planning Integration Perspective, Anabel Gutierrez, Jorge Orozco, Alan Serrano, Ali Nawazish, and Homa Yaz
Predicting Crime Reporting with Decision Trees and the National Crime Victimization Survey, Juliette Gutierrez and Gondy Leroy
Information Systems Research in the Nonprofit Context: A New Frontier, Oscar Gutierrez and Wei Zhang
A Qualitative Analysis of Computing Students' Professional Identity and its Relationship to Strategies for Coping with Stressors in the Computing Disciplines, K. Vernard Harrington, Tracy Lewis, Wanda Smith, and France Belanger
Making Information Systems Research More Valuable, Nik Hassan
Development of an Information Technology Audit Process Quality Framework, Douglas Havelka and Jeffrey Merhout
E-Collaboration Within the Dispersed Sales Force Training Process of Multinational Pharmaceutical Companies, Florian Heidecke and Andrea Back
Why College Undergraduates Choose to Major in Information Technology: A Multi-Theoretical Perspective, Nathan Heinze and Qing Hu
Understanding IS Impacts in Mandatory Environments: Usage, Compatibility Beliefs, Stress and Burnout, Amy Hennington
Using Neural Networks to Forecast Box Office Success, Mike Henry, Ramesh Sharda, and Dursun Delen
Outsourcing Success: Psychological Contract Perspective, Tejaswini Herath and Rajiv Kishore
Sharing of Knowledge in Public Knowledge Spaces: Influencing Factors, Tejaswini Herath and G. Lawrence Sanders
An Empirical Investigation of the Equity Implementation Model: An Alternative Lens for Understanding Technology Adoption, Traci Hess, Kailash Joshi, and Anna Lazarova McNab
The Impact of Computer-Mediated Communications Monitoring on Organizational Communications Content, Carolyn Holton
Network Governance in the E-Lance Economy, Robert Hooker, Carmen Lewis, Molly Wasko, James Worrell, and Tom Yoon
A Study on the Impact of Values on the Open Source Design Decision-making Process, Bryan Hosack and Glen Sagers
Parents and the Internet: Privacy Awareness, Practices and Control, Michael Hsiao, France Belanger, Janine Hiller, Payal Aggarwal, Karthik Channakeshava, Kaigui Bian, Jung-Min Park, and Robert Crossler
Outcome-Driven Experiential Learning MIS Courses in Web 2.0 Environment, C D. Huang and Ravi Behara
Cultural Issues in Globally Distributed Information Systems Development: A Survey and Analysis, Haiyan Huang
Are We There Yet-Seamless Mapping of BPMN to BPEL4WS, Marta Indulska, Jan Recker, Peter Green, and Michael Rosemann
Uses of Social Software in Personal and Organizational Settings, Rachael Ip
Information Systems Evaluation: Mini-Track Introduction, Zahir Irani, Marinos Themistocleous, Peter Love, and Edith Cowan
Cultural Barriers/ Enablers in Implementing E-Government Initiatives in Malaysia., Stephen Jackson, Meng Seng Wong, and George Philip
Evaluating Information Systems Flexibility: a Research Approach to Build a Framework, Laura Jacome
E-Government Implementation Challenges in UK: A Case Study of Trading Standards Department, Vikas Jain and Shalini Kesar
The Impact of Government Trust Perception on Privacy Risk Perceptions and Consumer Acceptance Of Residual RFID Technologies, Andrew Jensen, Joseph Cazier, and Dinesh Dave
Computer-aided Credibility Assessment by Novice Lie-Catchers, Matthew Jensen; Judee Burgoon; and Jay Nunamaker, Jr.
Accommodating Differences in the Uniformity and Stability of Information Systems Artifacts, Anand Jeyaraj
IT Service Climate and IT Service Quality, Ronnie Jia
Web-Based Corporate Training in Brazil: An Exploratory Investigation into Key Success Factors, Luiz Joia
Influential Factors on Purchasing Frequency in Virtual Bookstores in Brazil, Luiz Joia and Elaine Rodregues
Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games (MMORPGs) and Commitment Behavior: An Integrated Model, Sooran Jo, Junghoon Moon, Edward Garrity, and G. Lawrence Sanders
Early Consumer Adoption of Mobile TV from the Perspective of Flow Experience, Yoonhyuk Jung and Sonja Wiley-Patton
E-Business Use in Small and Medium-Sized Tourism Enterprises: A Post Adoption Perspective, Laddawan Kaewkitipong and David Brown
Investigating EAI Adoption in LGAs: A Case Study Based Analysis, Muhammad Kamal and Marinos Themistocleous
Using Event Based Markov Model Simulation to Analyze Interactive Human Behavior, Thomas Kannampallil and Steven Haynes
Decision-Making Effectiveness: The Role of IT use, Decision Processes and Organizational Culture, Shivraj Kanungo
Exploring the Relationship Between IS performance and Organizational Culture in the Government and Public Sector Organizations, Shivraj Kanungo
General Systems Theory: A Guiding Framework for IS Research, Shivraj Kanungo and Vikas Jain