Submissions from 2007
Public Sector Innovation and Diffusion Processes: Decentralisation and Innovation, Bjoern Niehaves
Public Sector Business Intelligence - An Open Source Approach, Bjoern Niehaves, Felix Mueller-Wienbergen, and Joerg Becker
Enterprise Architecture Stakeholders - a Holistic View, Eetu Niemi
Management of Interorganizational Open Source Software Projects - Lessons from a Case Study in Developing Country Context, Jussi Nissila, Jussi Puhakainen, and Pasi Malinen
Global Diffusion on the Internet: The Case of Uganda, Moses Niwe, Victor Mbarika, Kibily Samake, and Micheal Niyitegeka
Dimensions of Perceived Ecommerce Risks: An Empirical Study Using the Psychometric Paradigm, Easwar Nyshadham, Ling Wang, and Bill Hafner
Channel and Coordination, Cath Oh
Broadband Adoption by SMEs in the United Kingdom (UK), Oluwasola Oni
The UK SMEs Experience of Broadband Diffusion, Oluwasola Oni and Anastasia Papazafeiropoulou
Real vs. Virtual: A Theoretical Framework for Assessing the Role of Authenticity in Visitor Interactions with Museum Technologies, Jessie Pallud and Detmar Straub
eGovernment Initiatives and Ex-Ante IT Investment Evaluation, Thanos Papadopoulos and Panagiotis Kanellis
SMEs and IT Innovation. What's the Way Forward?, Anastasia Papazafeiropoulou, Yogesh Dwivedi, and Oluwasola Oni
Organizational Factors and Bad News Reporting on Troubled IT Projects, Chongwoo Park and Mark Keil
The Effect of Third Party Seals on Consumers' Repurchase Process in Online Shopping: A Multi-Group Analysis, Insu Park, Amit Bhatnagar, and Raghav Rao
The Role of IT Human Capability in Knowledge Transfer Process Under IT Outsourcing Situations, Joo-Yeon Park and Kun Im
A Dialectical Sensemaking Model for Making Electronic Record Control Practice Decisions, James Parrish and James Courtney
Assisting Teams to Learn About Their Teams: Preliminary Experiences with Team-based Assessment Software in Face-to-Face and Online Teams, Katia Passerini, Dezhi Wu, and Liz Avery
Tolerance of Escalating Commitment to Troubled Projects, Jonathan Paul
Where Do We Draw The Line? Tolerance of Escalating Commitment To Troubled Projects., Jonathan Paul and Marcus O'Connor
Input Information Complexity and Information Processing in GSS-Based Virtual Work Groups: An Experimental Investigation, Souren Paul and Derek Nazareth
Investigating Knowledge Transfer: A Preliminary Model to Improve Our Understanding of the Literature, Todd Peachey, Summer Bartczak, and Dianne Hall
An Information Technology Literacy Self-Assessment Instrument: Development and Pilot Results, Jorge Perez, Meg Murray, and Martha Myers
A Generic Process for Individual Knowledge Reuse: Potential Problems and Solutions, Stacie Petter and Vijay Vaishnavi
A Theoretical Framework for Information Systems Portfolio Management, Brandis Phillips
Spatial Technologies: An Evolutionary Framework and Case Study Analysis of Company Strategies, James Pick
The Role of Diversity and Technology in Global Virtual Teams, Praveen Pinjani and Prashant Palvia
Applying IT to Healthcare: Humans, Errors, and a Data Quality Perspective, Leo Pipino and Yang Lee
Replacing the Project Manager in Information System Projects: What Knowledge Should be Transferred?, Maritta Pirhonen and Tero Vartiainen
A Wiki That Knows Where It Is Being Used: Social Hazard or Social Service?, Maria Plummer, Linda Plotnick, Starr Roxanne Hiltz, and Quentin Jones
Internationalization of Mobile Telecommunications Operators: Country Factors, Institutional Distance and Regional Effects, Nicolai Pogrebnyakov
Understanding Self-Disclosure in Electronic Communities: An Exploratory Model of Privacy Risk Beliefs, Reciprocity, and Trust, Clay Posey and Selwyn Ellis
Voting Early and Often Can Be a Good Thing, Gerald Post
The Effects of Online Rating Validity on Decision Performance, Robin Poston and Amy Hennington
How Advice and Its Source Characteristics Prompts Changes in Investment Decisions, Robin Poston, Clayton Looney, and Asli Akbulut
Economic Outcomes of E-Professional, Home-based Entrepreneurs, Joanne Pratt
Without Permission: Privacy on the Line, Joanne Pratt and Sue Conger
The Influence of Computer Mediated Communication on Social Capital: A Disaggregated Approach, Israr Qureshi
Knowledge Networking across the Social Divide: A Model for Distributed Decision Making, Sajda Qureshi, Mehruz Kamal, and Peter Keen
Mail and the Internet versus The Mall: The Impact of the Local Market Structure on the Internet and Catalog Retailing, Mohammad Rahman
Semantic SOA - IT Catalyst for Business Transformation, Bhavin Raichura and Rajat Kumar
Click-Tracks: Consumers' Online Information Seeking Behaviors and Their Implications for Seller Strategies, Vandana Ramachandran
Personal Health Records: Addressing the Consumer Needs, Ebrahim Randeree and Melinda Whetstone
Use of Knowledge in ICT Investment Decision-Making of SMEs, Torsti Rantapuska and Outi Ihanainen
Information Security Governance Arrangements: The Devil is in the Details, Srinivasan Rao and Sriraman Ramachandran
Do Task Complexity and Knowledge Recency Affect Knowledge Reuse? Implications for Knowledge Management Efforts, Suryanarayanan Ravindran and Govind Iyer
Do Perceptions of An Organizing Vision Influence Physicians Assimilation of Electronic Medical Records', John Reardon and Elizabeth Davidson
A Study on the Decision to Continue Using a Modeling Grammar, Jan Recker
Integration of Models for Understanding Continuance of Process Modeling Techniques, Jan Recker and Michael Rosemann
Critical Risk Factors in Virtual Software Projects, April Reed
Information Systems: The Toolbox for Accounting; The Historical Relationship between IS and Accounting, William Remington, Terry Fox, and Richard Huff
Everyday Simplicity: The Implications of Everyday Tasks for Ubiquitous Computing Applications, Florian Resatsch, Uwe Sandner, Daniel Michelis, Christian Hoechst, and Thomas Schildhauer
Information Systems Strategy & Implementation: A Decade of Change, Lance Revenaugh and Raymond Papp
Building Theory from Practice: Opportunities in IS Project Management, Peter Reynolds and Philip Yetton
Un Estudio Exploratorio de los Departamentos de Tecnologias de Informacion en un Pais en Desarrollo, Juan Reynoso, Carlos Torers Quicones, Carlos Mercado, and Estela Munoz Andrade
A Personal Information Auction: Measuring the Differential Value of Privacy, Daniel Rice and John D'Arcy
Barriers IT Employees Face - A Gender Perspective, Cynthia Riemenschneider, Deborah Armstrong, Margaret Reid, Rachel Rashe, and Myria Allen
Is There a Business Case for RFID?, Cynthia Riemenschneider, Bill Hardgrave, and Deborah Armstrong
Data Quality Begins with the Business Model, Mary-Ann Robbert and Donna Fletcher
Decision Support for Individuals, Groups, and Organizations: Ethics and Values in the Context of Complex Problem Solving, Russell Robbins and Dianne Hall
Tying Context to Post-Adoption Behavior with Information Technology: A Conceptual and Operational Definition of Mindfulness, Nicholas Roberts, Jason Thatcher, and Richard Klein
Household Technology Acceptance: Heterogeneity in Computer Adoption, Alastair Robertson, Didier Soopramanien, and Robert Fildes
Project-Based Learning across the MIS Curriculum: An Assessment on Team Building, M. Abdur Rob
Cross-Organizational and Cross-Border IS/IT Collaboration: Mini-Track Introduction, Nicholas C. Romano Jr., James Pick, and Narcyz Roztocki
Aligning Organizational Requirements with Enterprise Systems Capabilities: The Role of Domain-Specific Knowledge, Michael Rosemann, Iris Vessey, Ron Weber, and Corina Raduescu
Managing Virtual Communities - A Case Study of a Viable System, Christoph Rosenkranz and Christoph Feddersen
Integration of a Business Rules Engine to Manage Frequently Changing Workflow: A Case Study of Insurance Underwriting Workflow, George Royce
Establishment of a Database System for the Environmental Rehabilitation of Kuwait, Waleed Roy and Adel Asem
Application of GIS for Mapping Oil-Contaminated Soil in Kuwait, Waleed Roy and Samira Asem
IS/IT in Developing and Emerging Economies, Narcyz Roztocki, Heinz-Roland Weistroffer, Sonali Morar, and Syed Nasirin
An Evaluation of a Workshop with a Focus on Fostering Teaching Excellence through Research, Chetan Sankar, Victor Mbarika, and P. Raju
Selecting While Walking: An Investigation of Aiming Performance in a Mobile Work Context, Martin Schedlbauer and Jesse Heines
Enabling Efficient and Privacy-friendly Location-based Services with Standardized Intermediary Infrastructures, Tobias Scherner
Explaining Ethical IT Behavior, Judgment and Awareness Using a Domain Theory Context, Richard Schilavy
Synthesis and Analysis of Moore and Benbasat's PCI and Witte's Susceptibility and Severity of Threat Scales, Mark Schmidt and Kirk Arnett
Comparing Security Perceptions of E-Commerce Users, Mark Schmidt, Jim Chen, Dien Phan, and Kirk Arnett
The eXperience Methodology for Writing IS Case Studies, Petra Schubert and Kumar Bhaskaran
An Information Systems Security Framework, Joseph Schuessler
Service-Oriented Architecture Paradigm: Major Trend or Hype for the German Banking Industry?, Stefan Schulte, Nicolas Repp, Rainer Berbner, Ralf Steinmetz, and Ralf Schaarschmidt
Impact of Knowledge Management Systems on Knowledge Intensive Business Processes, Gregory Schymik, Uday Kulkarni, and Ron Freeze
Channel and Recipient Characteristics: Effects on Communication Effectiveness and Performance, Christopher Scott
Social Capital in Knowledge Based Business Process Outsourcing, Judy Scott and Biswadip Ghosh
Everyone is Different! Exploring the Issues and Problems with ERP Enabled Shared Service Initiatives, Darshana Sedera and Sharmistha Dey
A Business Process Management Perspective on Creativity: Creativity Intensive Processes, Stefan Seidel
Organizational Standards Strategy, DongBack Seo
User Acceptance of Hedonic Information Technologies: A Perceived Value Perspective, Alexander Serenko, Ofir Turel, and Nick Bontis
Segmenting the Fixed and Mobile Service Markets in the USA: A Cluster Analysis, Alexander Serenko, Ofir Turel, and Mehdi Zahaf
Assessing Customer Value of Net-Enabled Firms: Test of Panel Data, Pankaj Setia, Ken Boyer, and Roger Calantone
Reap from ERP Systems -The Management of Absorptive Capacity in Post-ERP Implementation, Shari Shang and Chih-Hsien Hsu
Examining Measurements of Process Capital - A System Model Perspective, Shari Shang and Ya-Ling Wu
A Research Framework for Investigating the Successful Configuration of Globally Distributed Agile Teams, Jason Sharp and Sherry Ryan
Differences in National IT Investment: What Really Matters, Susan Sherer and Joseph Manzo
The Roles of Positive and Negative Utility in Predicting Online Wine Purchase Behavior, Michael Sheridan, Joseph Cazier, and Douglas May
The Impact of Information Technology Innovation on Firm Performance, Namchul Shin
GameTheoretic Analysis of Digital Multimedia Broadcasting Industry, SeungJae Shin, JP Shim, and Martin Weiss
Web-Based Information Systems: Developing a Design Theory, Keng Siau, XiaoFeng Chen, and Xin Tan