
Technological, economical, cultural, and political changes
constantly lead to new opportunities and challenges in today's
highly dynamic business environment. Increasingly,
modern enterprises leverage the strategic instrument ofMergers
and Acquisitions (M&A) to seize these tempting opportunities
and adapt to the altering market conditions. As
Information Technology (IT) penetrates the business of almost
all enterprises, it has to be considered during virtually
any M&A endeavor. Particularly the resulting need for IT
transformation in the course of the M&A post merger integration
(PMI) phase represents a complex and intricate task
in which problem-speci c models and tangible methods are
of utmost importance. In all cases, the design of such helpful
artifacts requires a solid foundation and a profound understanding
with regards to the speci c context, drivers, and
uence factors in reference to the IT transformation.
Based on related literature in the eld of M&A, we conducted
15 explorative expert interviews with industry partners
from the German banking industry, who were involved
in a bank merger. In doing so, the interview partners revealed
illuminative insights into possible problems, solutions,
and pitfalls occurring during the transformation of IT. This
article summarizes the key ndings of the semi-structured
talks and compares them with approaches and statements
suggested by current M&A literature resources. In this vein,
the stage is set for future research in the realm of IT transformation
during M&A situations which can bene t from the
empirical grounded results presented within this document.
