
Machine Translation (MT) is an increasingly mature field of applied computer technology, aimed at translating texts from one natural language into another. This paper focuses on the use of MT within Customer Support (CS), where it can support multi-lingual, multi-channel strategies. The paper shows how MT within CS positively impacts on shareholder value, through its influences on increasing and accelerating cash flows, reducing cash flow volatility and vulnerability and increasing the residual value of a business. Four application types of MT are recognized: multi-lingual chat and e-mail, multi-lingual knowledge base, multi-lingual forums and blogs and multi-lingual social media. Current use of MT concentrates on the more traditional multi-lingual knowledge base aspect of MT. However, respondents suggest that, with increased knowledge by managers of the strengths of MT, broader application can be achieved. This would further improve CS, increasing customer satisfaction, ultimately leading to higher customer loyalty and enhanced shareholder value.
