Affiliated Organization

Proceedings of IFIP 8.2/Organizations and Society in Information Systems (OASIS)


My research in progress is informed by the view that the implementation and use of ICTs is deeply intertwined with changes in organisational structures and practices. Hence the new coalition government‟s proposals to reform the NHSwill require the introduction of new information systems and modifications to existingprogrammes. Already, the Health Secretary has announced that the multi-billion poundNHS IT Programme will be dismantled, but at this stage it is unclear whatsystems will be required to support the new proposals. My research focuses on what theseproposals mean for primary care in the UK, addressing general practitioners (GPs) stateof readiness, how they plan to reorganise delivery of their services and the informationsystems that will need to be in place to do so. At present, a consultation process isunderway and early indications are that some GP surgeries will amalgamate and purchaseoff-the-shelf packages available from the US. Even before the new proposals wereannounced, a number of software vendors were working on these systems in thebackground in light of the ongoing debate about the future for the National ITProgramme.




