Affiliated Organization

Proceedings of JAIS Theory Development Workshop


IS research has begun examining the use and adoption of information technology through a practice perspective. This is part of the shift in the discourse in IS research away from technological or organizational determinism. This paper adopts that same viewpoint to understand the governance of IS resources. Presently, much research on this topic adopts a static, top-down and variance stance. I use the practice perspective to represent IS governance as a dynamic and multi-level process. This description better fits the IT experiences of users in today’s organizations, as well as various developments in IT, such as Web 2.0 applications. The core concept here is “IS portfolio drift”, which refers to the unintended changes an IS portfolio undergoes, as individual systems are purchased, adopted, resisted, or modified. I theorize that IS portfolio drift is managed through the use of IS governance processes. These processes are situated practices undertaken by reflexive actors to steer the portfolio-in-use so that it meets their respective goals.




