Affiliated Organization

Proceedings of JAIS Theory Development Workshop


Cumulative IS studies have demonstrated that computer playfulness and personal innovativeness are two specific traits that can lead to a number of positive behavioral and affective outcomes. Little research has explored the possibility of their negative implications. As an initial effort to fill this gap in theory development and empirical research, this study builds on the recent psychological literature and uses samples of both students and working adults to explore this issue. Data from both samples indicate that personally innovative and playful individuals are more likely to exhibit problematic use, manifested as dependency on technology (e.g., excessive and compulsive use) and technology use for distraction (e.g., procrastination and avoidance of social and occupational responsibilities). To better situate the trait research in IS within the broader individual trait framework, this study also explored the theoretical foundation of the two IT traits in the Big Five traits, which were also found to explain significant variance in problematic use. Implications of these findings are discussed.




