Affiliated Organization

itAIS, Italy


How to achieve integration within an industrial district? Can e-services be of help?This paper aims to develop some initial ideas being considered for the analysis of a possible alternative path of development in the district with particular reference to the management of information systems, using the creation of a network which is a cornerstone of services, which responsible for managing the operation in promoting and managing an integrated way the various companies that are part of it. Integration should take place under the sign of a trend to improve the connection of key stages of production activities also due to logistics systems and information technology and communication. The center would have the task of enriching through the integration of innovative processes and research, marketing, to-tal quality and investment in training and culture. It is common ground to state that if the core issue of integration lies in the ability to share the information flows of the new technologies can provide answers to the needs of integration and in a manner better than the past. An example is the use of applications with e-service to companies that bring many benefits is avail-able through the company to services that will ensure its usability. Among the principal stress can be able to:- maintained by companies belonging to the district control on the development of information systems;- contribute by setting up a technology to create new jobs in the medium-long term;- decrease investment by individual companies for the information technology function as fractionated business district;- changing the operating leverage as part of fixed costs become variable costs;- generate, even for companies contained dimensions, opportunities for the use of more advanced information systems at little cost;- replicate within the small business innovative solutions adopted by the media company initially favored by the type of imitative behavior typical of companies operating in industrial districts single production;- allow, through the advanced use of information and communication technologies, even at smaller sizes, more detailed analysis of the data by obtaining higher quality information for the entire management of the network.




