
Many universities were facing a massive challenge regarding the question of what online facility worked best to deal with the challenges the COVID-19 pandemic caused. How can we support the overnight changed requirements? Is there a more advanced tool for group communication and online-teaching? The developments in the latter market moved very quickly. New players arose (Zoom, Google meet, Microsoft Teams, etc.), and old players (WebEx, Skype for Business, etc.) updated their facilities to be better able to meet the requirements of online-education. Many universities went through a substantial discourse to determine what environment should be best and which environments/solutions have characteristics that could prohibit their use completely (for instance privacy issues). Fact is that different universities made different choices. The general answer which environment is best is not available. Based on our experience regarding the selection of an e-learning environment, we will explore what criteria may be used and whether organisational structures, as well as learning theoretical principles, are essential considerations when making a decision. For the sake of simplicity, we will look at the most discussed dilemma in the Netherlands: choosing between Zoom and Teams.
