
Industry 4.0 is based on digital integration across entire supply chains, functional domains of industrial value creation, and from production to product use and recycling. Those three pillars refer to horizontal and vertical integration and end-to-end engineering. A further concept named repeatedly is real-time data availability and processing. However, research and industrial practice have shown that real-time data is even more complex to obtain than data in the first place, especially across entire supply chains. In response, the paper presents several examples highlighting cases favoring real-time big data applications. Further, opposite instances in which real-time data is complex to obtain or does not lead to sufficient benefits are presented. An overview is developed to subsume different settings, potentials, challenges, and requirements for real-time big data applications within the concept of Industry 4.0. Real-time applications are most important in production or human-machine interaction environments, whereas logistics processes or data relating to product development and recycling are far less relevant or achievable so far. Hence, the further from industrial production or non-critical processes, the harder it is to rectify real-time data collection. Further, especially supply-chain spanning data is hard to obtain in real-time quality.
