
One of the biggest IT-projects in Denmark the last five years is the implementation of the Healthcare platform for 2.5 million people at hospitals East of The Great Belt, counting Zealand, Bornholm, and the capital, Copenhagen. Thousands of doctors and nurses have had to change their work practices. The implementation caused a lot of discussion to whether the project was a success or not? Also, a Facebook group against the platform was created. Based on a longitudinal interview study with key stakeholders and a multi-view analysis of more than 6000 Facebook postings we answer the research question: How are IT project success and resistance to change related? By developing a typology of resistance that we can relate to typologies of IT-project suc-cess we show that IT-project success and resistance to change are intertwined in many ways. In other words, if you want project success and stakeholder satisfaction you need to cope with differ-ent types of resistance.
