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Automatic Tunig, I/F-Race, GRASP, Path-Relinking, Data Clustering
In studies that use metaheuristics although the input parameters directly influence the performance of the algorithm its definition is mostly done manually raising questions about the quality of the results. This paper aims to apply the F/I-Race in the self parameterization of GRASP with Path-Relinking in the data clustering in order to obtain better results than the manually tuned algorithms. Experiments performed with five data sets showed that the use of I/F-race contributed to achievement best results than manual tuning.
Recommended Citation
da Silva, Júlio Cesar; Frinhani, Rafael de Magalhães Dias; Silva, Ricardo Martins de Abreu; and Mateus, Geraldo Robson, "Automatic Tuning of GRASP with Path-Relinking in data clustering with F-R ace and iterated F-Race" (2015). Proceedings of the XI Brazilian Symposium on Information Systems (SBSI 2015). 94.
This paper is in Portuguese (Auto-parametrização do GRASP com Path-Relinking no agrupamento de dados com F-Race e iterated F-Race)