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Smart Cities, Government, Public Data
There are currently several domains and indicators around the world that serve to categorize Smart Cities, however, there are not enough studies on the comparison of these cities in Brazil. The public databases have data on various indicators and domains, and these data need to be standardized and clustered to allow a comparison between the smart cities. Make an analysis based on clustering similarity smart cities indicators can bring to the municipal managers a better understanding of the strategic possibilities of resource optimization.
Recommended Citation
Afonso, Ricardo Alexandre; do Nascimento, Clóvis Holanda; Garcia, Vinicius Cardoso; and Álvaro, Alexandre, "SmartCluster: Using Public Data to Group Smart Cities by Domains" (2015). Proceedings of the XI Brazilian Symposium on Information Systems (SBSI 2015). 8.
This paper is in Portuguese (SmartCluster: Utilizando Dados Públicos para Agrupar Cidades Inteligentes por Domínios)