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Sustainability metrics, Sentiment analysis


Sustainability metrics are measures and indicators that are intended to serve as management tools, both at the macro level, to public policy, for example, as in the micro, in the efficient management of a company. With its use one can measure the impacts of sustainable practices, through the correlation, for example, from increased revenue and market share, with practices such as reducing energy costs, reducing expenses with waste reduction costs of materials and water. Or even the correlation between an environment where Sustainability is promoted and the increased employee productivity and reduced spending on hiring. Arguably a growing alignment is needed between the discourse and practice of sustainability values. In this context, this article aims to use the Analysis of Feelings in the development of a new metric. In the present stage was done a survey, to know about the opinion that the Superior Educational Institute FAMEC - PR's workers have about organizational sustentability. The answers passed by an analysis, done with the tool RapidMiner, where the workers feelings were qualified as positive, negative or neutral.


This paper is in Portuguese (Proposta do Uso de Análise de Sentimento no Desenvolvimento de uma nova Métrica de Sustentabilidade)
