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Information Systems, Education, Model Curricula
Teaching Information Systems (IS) for computer students, with courses very related to Information and Communications Technology (ICT) requires adapting the subject with a different approach. To achieve this goal, this paper presents a methodology that exemplifies the application of IS knowledge inside ICT organizations or ICT departments. The content used and its importance were evaluated applying a questionnaire to the students. Responses showed that this method increased students’ IS subject understanding and the desire to apply IS knowledge in their professional activities.
Recommended Citation
Ishikawa, Edison and Ralha, Célia Ghedini, "Teaching Information Systems for Computer Graduation Courses: a report experience using a practical ICT approach" (2015). Proceedings of the XI Brazilian Symposium on Information Systems (SBSI 2015). 24.
This paper is in Portuguese (Ensino de Sistemas de Informação em Cursos de Computação: relato de experiência com uso de abordagem prática em TIC)