
Libraries, especially academic and research libraries, are increasingly taking on the task of supporting their community of users in data collection, analysis, management, and preservation - an area of charge that came to be known as research data management (Tenopir, Sandusky, Allard, & Birch, 2014). As Africa enters the post-2015 development agenda, i.e. Sustainable Development Goals, that has 17 goals and 169 targets (United Nations, 2015), the successful accomplishment and outcome of such goals and targets can only be known if appropriate data is collected, analyzed and evidence is presented. In view of these ambitious and daunting challenges, it is imperative to prepare librarians with skills and knowledge needed to manage and preserve research data. This paper aims to shed light on the requisite skills and knowledge needed by librarians to play active role in the SDG agenda. Important concepts, skills, tools, methods, and applications on the topics of data and information literacy will be investigated.
