
Individuals have a choice in selecting an internet channel (e.g. home, work, public Wi-Fi or cellular service) to shop, socialize, surf, and search on the web. However, individuals have perceptions toward an internet channel’s environmental factors (security, trust, task tracking, task privacy) affecting their sense of successfully accomplishing their desired activity without concern or disruption potentially causing preference of choosing one channel over another. This raises a heightened concern for online vendors and advertisers that expect consumers to use internet channels equally without discernment. Guided by the Web Motivation Inventory (WMI) (Rodgers et al., 2007) and the environmental facilitating conditions proposed by Triandis (1979) as an extension to the theory of reasoned action (TRA), this paper proposes a framework to explore internet channel’s environmental factors that influence a consumer’s decision to perform a specific internet activity using a channel to connect to the web.

Abstract Only
