Forthcoming papers have been accepted for publication in the Pacific Asia Journal of the Association for Information Systems, and PAJAIS is pleased to provide the accepted version of forthcoming papers. The manuscripts listed as forthcoming will undergo copyediting, typesetting, and review of the resulting proofs before they are published in their final form. During the production process, errors may be discovered, which could affect the content. The final published version of these papers will be available in the PAJAIS e-Library in due course.



Does Strategically Aligned Investment in Cybersecurity Systems Reduce Data Breach?, Anjee Gorkhali, Rajib Chowdhury, and Fatou Diouf


Play, Click, Travel: Unleashing the Role of Smart Booking and Gamification Affordance in Online Travel Agencies, Garima Malik and Pratibha Singh


The Institutionalization of Farmers Association Service Offerings via Line Group During Covid-19 Pandemic, Wen-Cheng Shen and Fu-ren Lin


Effects of Sponsorship Disclosure Timing on Endorsement Effectiveness: The Moderating Role of Emotional Attachment, Mingqian Sun, Kathy Ning Shen, Chenwei Li, and Hongjie Yuan


Information Disclosure in Social Network Websites: Centered on the Effect of Noncognitive Factors, Jongtae Yu, Dong-Yop Oh, and Saleh Alwahaishi


Understanding the Effects of Service Experience in Online-to-Offline Services, Tung-Hsiang Chou, Yu Wen Hung, and Yun-Chun Wang


To See is to Believe through Social Augmented Reality: A Mechanism from Shopper's Point-of-View Sharing, Ben-Roy Do, Janet Wu, and Ikhtiara K. Isharina


Perceived Value and User Features in Continuance Intention to Use Theme Park Apps, Ting Long and Reima Suomi


The Impact of IT Ambidexterity on Organizational Agility: The Mediating Role of Organizational Change Capacity, Waseem Rawat and Justin Raymond Barnes


Engaging or Silent? Social Media Commenting on Controversial versus Uncontroversial Issues, Jyun-Cheng Wang, Ying-Jia Hong, Edwin Sanjaya, and Halim Budi Santoso