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Value-Focused Thinking (VFT) advocates for proactively identifying values and objectives, ensuring that decision-making aligns closely with the decision-makers’ underlying values. Despite the theoretical strengths of VFT, its practical application has been limited. A comprehensive review of VFT literature identifies seven key areas where it falls short. This paper introduces a Value-Driven Decision Model (VDDM) to overcome these deficiencies. The VDDM augments VFT with detailed guidelines and best practices. It encompasses methods for stakeholder classification, standardized protocols for value elicitation, structured approaches for creating high-quality objectives, guidelines for building and quantifying Objective Networks, methods for generating and evaluating alternatives, and empirical methods to assess decision effectiveness. The model is evaluated by a real-world organization, confirming its utility and usefulness. The VDDM represents a novel artifact that balances theoretical knowledge, practical application, and usability. It contributes to the theoretical discourse in decision-making, addressing real-world problems, and ensuring user-friendly implementation.




Jul 2nd, 12:00 AM

VDDM: A Value-Driven Decision Model to Augment Value-Focused Thinking

Value-Focused Thinking (VFT) advocates for proactively identifying values and objectives, ensuring that decision-making aligns closely with the decision-makers’ underlying values. Despite the theoretical strengths of VFT, its practical application has been limited. A comprehensive review of VFT literature identifies seven key areas where it falls short. This paper introduces a Value-Driven Decision Model (VDDM) to overcome these deficiencies. The VDDM augments VFT with detailed guidelines and best practices. It encompasses methods for stakeholder classification, standardized protocols for value elicitation, structured approaches for creating high-quality objectives, guidelines for building and quantifying Objective Networks, methods for generating and evaluating alternatives, and empirical methods to assess decision effectiveness. The model is evaluated by a real-world organization, confirming its utility and usefulness. The VDDM represents a novel artifact that balances theoretical knowledge, practical application, and usability. It contributes to the theoretical discourse in decision-making, addressing real-world problems, and ensuring user-friendly implementation.

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