
With the popularity of social networking, consumer often relies on social network when making purchase decisions. Social commerce in this regard represents a shift in consumers’ behavior from individual-based user generated content (UGC) to collaborative generated content (CGC), such as tags, Danmu. For consumers, from one side, they can get additional information from CGC; from the other side, they can participate into CGC to recreate the original content and satisfy their intrinsic needs. Does CGC of original content cause a person to view the recreated content more favorably? Will this fond of recreated content lead to economic benefits? Thus motivated, we use the construal level theory, and explore the effects by examining whether CGC might cause consumer’s willingness to pay. CGC will be analyzed by using Language Act Perspective-based Analysis. The study will contribute to research by adding to our understanding of a new aspect of consumer’s purchase behavior in social commerce, i.e. CGC through social network. It also lends insights on how product vendors can offer such service to tap this source of revenue.
