
Mobile commerce (m-commerce) is becoming more prominent with the advancement in mobile devices and the trend is showing that m-commerce can be truly profitable for businesses. This has led to the question on how customer knowledge management (CKM) tools in m-commerce platform can assist businesses in influencing customers’ intention to use m-commerce to purchase products or services more frequently. Furthermore, the research is also attempting to look into the determinants of mcommerce purchase intention by employing the Lazy User Theory (LUT) with relations to existing technology-adoption models such as TAM and UTAUT. The theory is centred on the principal of least effort which assumed that the users will intend to use m-commerce platforms on mobile devices to purchase products or service as it will require less effort on the user to perform compared to conventional e-commerce. The literature on the theoretical foundations of CKM and LUT, along with proposed research methodology and theoretical framework are presented.
