
The education field is slowly adopting the cloud though there are constraints like suitability (fit), cost, speed of deployment, flexibility, reliability, transferring existing systems onto cloud etc. There are many cloud maturity models designed for enterprise adoption. Education cloud adoptions are widely prevalent in universities due to OER and MOOC but still nascent at school levels. The objective of this paper is to design a unified Education Cloud Maturity Code (ECMC) to rate the cloud components based on each adoption stage such as apprised, assessed, acted and advanced of any educational institution to arrive at an education cloud code (ECC) based on the six components of cloud implementation namely I-Infrastructural, G-Geared, R-Resourceful, A-Administrative/Authoritative, M-Managerial, S-Secured. This code helps the educational institution to self-assess their maturity stage of adopting education cloud.
