
Mobile shopping is very popular nowadays. Many mobile shopping websites were founded in recent years, such as Yahoo! and Rakuten Ichiba. Most previous articles focused on theory of planned behavior, trust, flow, perceived usefulness, consumer usability preference, consumer shopping experience and decision-making, integrating technology acceptance model and perceived value. There are few studies to discuss benefits of matching discounts/bargains with a mobile shopping website, as well as how much affective reaction and flow affect continuance intention of using a mobile shopping website. The aim of this study investigates the factors (value-technology fit, affective reaction, flow) influencing continuance intention of the mobile shopping website, and mediation effects of affective reaction and flow. The results of this study show that users’ value-technology fit significantly affects their affective reaction, flow, and continuance intention to use the mobile shopping website. Affective reaction and flow significantly affect users’ continuance intention to use the mobile shopping website. Moreover, affective reaction and flow partially mediate relationship between value-technology fit and users’ continuance intention to use the mobile shopping website, Rakuten Ichiba. The research findings have suggestions for the mobile shopping managers and future research studies.
