
This paper presents an in-depth analysis of 2006 census and survey data collected by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) pertaining to the Australian ICT industry. Of particular interest were the participation rates of women and the issues of pay equity and women’s representation at senior management and professional levels. Where possible the 2006 census data are compared with earlier census data while the labour force survey data provide time series data from 1996 through to 2010. The labour force survey data give a more up to date picture but have the disadvantage of being subject to sampling error. Women’s participation rates in ICT managerial and professional roles have changed little since 1996 and the gender pay gap in the ICT industry varies between 10% and 20% across major ICT professional occupations.


Empirical research, secondary data analysis, exploratory study, social issues


ISBN: [978-1-86435-644-1]; Full paper
