Home > Journals > AIS Journals > MISQE > Vol. 9 (2010) > Iss. 4

This article describes how an internal system using Web 2.0 tools has been used at USAA to help assimilate new hires into the IT department. In addition to describing both the work and social uses of this Enterprise 2.0 system in a distributed mentorship program, we identify the individual and organizational benefits of using this type of system. These include increasing the feeling of cultural belonging, making the environment of entry-level IT workers exciting, and creating high morale among a new Generation Y3 workforce. Our research also identified some future challenges facing USAA as its Enterprise 2.0 system and new hire program continue to evolve. The article concludes by providing guidelines for other organizations considering the internal use of Enterprise 2.0 tools as part of their new employee assimilation programs.
Recommended Citation
Leidner, Dorothy; Koch, Hope; and Gonzalez, Ester
"Assimilating Generation Y IT New Hires into USAA's Workforce: The Role of an Enterprise 2.0 System,"
MIS Quarterly Executive: Vol. 9:
4, Article 5.
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