Home > Journals > AIS Journals > MISQE > Vol. 8 (2009) > Iss. 4

Buyers of IT outsourcing services increasingly expect providers to demonstrate strong commitment to corporate social and environmental responsibility (CSER). We identify two key challenges for CSER in global information technology outsourcing (GITO): (1) environmental issues related to increasing power consumption and related greenhouse gas emissions, and to e-waste, and (2) social responsibility issues, which are growing in importance as global CSER guidelines, standards, reporting frameworks, and regulations raise public expectations. Our research has identified four key trends in the CSER knowledge and capabilities required by outsourcing buyers and providers. We provide guidelines for acquiring the knowledge and capabilities that will enable buyers and providers to effectively integrate CSER within GITO.
Recommended Citation
Babin, Ron and Nicholson, Brian
"Corporate Social and Environmental Responsibility and Global IT Outsourcing,"
MIS Quarterly Executive: Vol. 8:
4, Article 3.
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