Home > Journals > AIS Journals > MISQE > Vol. 6 (2007) > Iss. 2

This APC Forum is the first in a series of columns from the Advanced Practices Council (APC) of the Society for Information Management (SIM). SIM’s APC is an exclusive forum for senior IT executives who value directing and applying pragmatic research, exploring emerging IT issues in depth, and learning different, global perspectives from colleagues in other industries. This APC Forum presents the thoughts of P. P. Darukhanavala (Daru), CTO of BP. He shared his company’s digital technology scanning practices with his fellow APC members at a recent APC meeting. In particular, this Forum describes the work of the digital technology scanning team that Daru created at BP.
Recommended Citation
Weiss, Madeline and Smith, Heather A.
"APC Forum: Leveraging Emerging Digital Technology at BP,"
MIS Quarterly Executive: Vol. 6:
2, Article 6.
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