Home > Journals > AIS Journals > MISQE > Vol. 6 (2007) > Iss. 1

"To accomplish their objectives, Chief Information Officers (CIOs) must rely on their abilities to influence members of top management. Effective use of influence behaviors can make the difference between successful and less successful CIOs. But aspiring senior managers are rarely formally taught how to influence others. They learn informally on the job.This article explores influence behaviors and their appropriate use by CIOs. It first describes 11 common influence behaviors—rational persuasion (logical arguments), apprising (emphasizing expected benefits), inspirational appeal, consultation, collaboration, personal appeal, ingratiation, exchange, legitimating (connected to precedent), coalition (asking others to persuade), and pressure. Then this article discusses which of the 11 are most effective in four scenarios that CIOs face: when the CIO is viewed either as a true peer of top management or as a supportive subordinate, and when the CIO is presenting either a high-stakes strategic initiative or a lower-stakes incremental one."
Recommended Citation
Enns, Harvey G.; McFarlin, Dean B.; and Huff, Sid L.
"How CIOs Can Effectively Use Influence Behaviors,"
MIS Quarterly Executive: Vol. 6:
1, Article 6.
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