Home > Journals > AIS Journals > MISQE > Vol. 3 (2004) > Iss. 3

The information technology (IT) organization has two major products: the effective processing of transactions and the provision of information. For the past several decades, transaction processing, exemplified recently by enterprise resource planning software, has received the bulk of IT¡¯s attention. True, there have been decision support, executive support, knowledge management, and balanced scorecard systems put in place in most major corporations. But these, and other information providing capabilities, have almost entirely been done in a one-off manner. Despite the fact that, in most companies today, processes are redesigned before transaction processing systems are built, a full-scale process-based design of the information needs of an organization is rare. This paper presents such an approach at Fleet Bank. The paper suggests that processes underlying the use of information in an organization should be clearly defined before systems in this area are implemented. The success factors for doing this are noted.
Recommended Citation
Rockart, Jack
"Information: Let's Get it Right,"
MIS Quarterly Executive: Vol. 3:
3, Article 5.
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