Home > Journals > AIS Journals > MISQE > Vol. 24 (2025) > Iss. 1

In an era where data breaches have become commonplace, the role and responsibilities of data privacy officers (DPOs) are more critical than ever. To help DPOs mitigate cybersecurity and privacy risks, we provide recommendations for building and enhancing corporate privacy cultures. We propose the 3Bs privacy framework (baseline, benchmark, bridge) for assessing corporate privacy practices using a privacy culture index. By applying the 3Bs privacy framework, DPOs can move beyond the top-down approach of merely complying with regulations to a bottom-up approach to enhancing corporate privacy culture.
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Alashoor, Tawfiq; Boodraj, Maheshwar; Quintanilha, André; Palme, Sabrina; and Aldawood, Hussain
"Insights on How Data Privacy Officers Can Build a Corporate Privacy Culture,"
MIS Quarterly Executive: Vol. 24:
1, Article 6.
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