Home > Journals > AIS Journals > MISQE > Vol. 23 (2024) > Iss. 2

For organizations to realize maximum value from artificial intelligence (AI), they need the capability to scale it and must consider scaling throughout all stages of an AI innovation project. But AI scaling presents significant challenges, especially for manufacturing companies. We describe how Audi, a leading automotive manufacturer, scaled its crack detection AI solution and unlocked long-term business value in manufacturing. Based on lessons learned at Audi, we provide recommendations and actions for CIOs and senior leaders who seek to capture value through scaling AI solutions.
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Sagodi, André; van Giffen, Benjamin; Schniertshauer, Johannes; Niehues, Klemens; and vom Brocke, Jan
"How Audi Scales Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing,"
MIS Quarterly Executive: Vol. 23:
2, Article 5.
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