Home > Journals > AIS Journals > MISQE > Vol. 16 (2017) > Iss. 4

Editors' Comments
Dorothy Leidner, Iris Junglas, Hope Koch, Arun Sundararajan, Ping Wang, Leon Kappelman, Vess Johnson, Quynh Nguyen, Alsius David, Ephraim McLean, Russell Torres, and Chris Maurer
Research Articles
Learning from Failures in the Sharing Economy
Karl Tauscher and Jan Kietzmann
Four Models of Sharing Economy Platforms
Ioanna Constantiou, Attila Marton, and Virpi Kristiina Tuunainen
How AUDI AG is Driving Toward the Sharing Economy
Martin Mocker and Nils O. Fonstad
How GoGet CarShare's Product-Service System is Facilitating Collaborative Consumption
Felix Ter Chian Tan, Michael Cahalane, Barney Tan, and Jonathan Englert