
This paper investigates the evolution of Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence (HCAI) as an emergent perspective on the design, development, and deployment of Artificial Intelligence (AI). It provides an overview of HCAI definitions, from the most established to the less common definitions found in the literature, highlighting the variety of emphases as well as the shared understandings among them. Based on the review, the paper proposes a new comprehensive HCAI definition. The research also delves into two concepts of great importance to HCAI, namely Augmentation, and Control. Augmentation refers to the idea of using AI to enhance human capabilities and performance, rather than replacing human beings with machines. This concept is essential to HCAI since it prioritizes the well-being and empowerment of humans in the development and deployment of AI systems. Control, on the other hand, deals with the governance and management of AI systems to ensure that they operate ethically and safely. The paper highlights the importance of collaboration between AI and IS researchers to advance the HCAI agenda and ensure that AI serves the interests of society as a whole.
