
IT governance, the allocation of IT decision rights and the organizational IS structure, becomes more and more relevant, as it addresses the activities using IT in achieving the company goals and increasing company performance. The focus in this research is on the alignment and coordination of the six stakeholder groups introduced in the IT engagement model by Fonstad and Robertson, 2006. The researchers present a case study of a well-founded organization with successful business units. The company has multiple franchises and few company-owned subsets to be coordinated and aligned. This paper suggests potential linking mechanism-initiatives with multiple attributes for increasing company performance by the use of IT governance. This research contributes to the problem setting of the case company by providing initiatives for the problem at hand. The research further contributes to the area of concern in the confirmation of the applicability of combining theories within an IT governance theory. The combination was essential to the results of the analysis. Furthermore, the research contributes to expanding the area of concern by presenting suggestions of linking mechanisms that ease the understanding of the applicability of IT governance theories. Finally, the applicability of the IT engagement model as a structuration theory is confirmed and characterized as a contribution to the framing theory.
