
The application of Quality Management Systems – QMS, particularly the ISO 9001 standard, in organizations allows the definition of a set of organizational documentation to guide and achieve high levels of efficiency, improve the services’ performance and to improve the internal and external quality of the services provided. However, the definition of these type of standards requires a large set of documentation that presents some difficulties in their application like: the access to the correct document (form or procedure) in order to perform a task or provide a service; long time to fulfil the forms and long time to analyze the information to get the key performance indicators associated to the objectives of that standard. Considering the advantages and the emergent evolution of the Information Systems (IS) these types of systems present a good solution to resolve the difficulties of the implementation and application of QMS in the organizations. This paper presents a case study of the application of an IS to support the usage and implementation of the QMS in a High Educational Institution. With the implementation of the IS, the Institution improved the qualification of the administrative services, reduced the search time of the correct documents to perform a task, reduced the time to complete the forms, enabled a direct iteration with the users and the services allowing the schedule of actions by the administrative services to respond to the requests, and also reduced drastically the usage of documents in paper format.
