
The Journal of the Southern Association for Information Systems

Publication Name

The Journal of the Southern Association for Information Systems

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The recent influx of various technologies has affected all sectors of the human life including education. Mobile learning has emerged with the evolution of mobile devices that has enhanced knowledge sharing via distance education systems. In Nigeria, it has been observed that under-utilization of the technology in higher education institutions (HEIs) is still prevalent. This study investigated the factors hindering the use of mobile devices for mobile-learning by students. Four research questions were formulated based on UTAUT model with nine variables and 391 survey questionnaires were administered on the students in two institutions in Ogun State. Data obtained were analyzed using two multiple regression and path analysis on SPSS 23. Findings showed that the facilitating factor of the mobile device leads other variables on direct effect on the attitude of students towards usage of mobile devices for m-learning. The management of HEIs should provide technical infrastructure supports on the use of mobile devices


