
Journal of the Midwest Association for Information Systems (JMWAIS)


The only sustainable way to provide more effective healthcare and at the same time to reduce soaring healthcare costs is by keeping people healthier. Digitally Based Change Interventions (DBCI) are interventions that utilise digital technologies to promote and maintain health and wellbeing through monitoring, managing and preventing personal health problems. DBCIs are typically automated, interactive, and personalized ‘just-in-time’ adaptive interventions (JITAIs) that provide real time support to individuals especially during moments when they have the greatest opportunity to engage in a healthier behaviour (or are most vulnerable to engaging in a negative behaviour). To date, the potential of DBCIs has scarcely been realized, partly because of difficulties in generating an accumulating knowledge base for guiding their design. As a result, most designers do not use theory as a basis for developing new interventions or for analysing why some interventions fail and others succeed. In this paper, we bring together insights from a number of theories in order to bridge this gap and to produce a “theory-based” framework for assisting with their design. In turn, we demonstrate the power of this framework by using it to review the design of a digital programme previously described in a well cited paper.
