JAIS is pleased to provide the accepted version of forthcoming papers. These have not yet gone through the copy-editing and proofing process. The final published version of these papers will be available in the JAIS e-Library in due course.



How Sentiment Divergence in Influencers’ Multimodal Social Media Posts Shapes Follower Engagement?, Reza Alibakhshi and Shirish C. Srivastava


Polarization or Bias: Take Your Click on Social Media, Debabrata Dey, Atanu Lahiri, and Rajiv Mukherjee


CIO Structural Power and Corporate Social Performance, Cong Feng, Pankaj C. Patel, Scott Fay, and Huigang Liang


Achieving Reward-Based Crowdfunding Project Success: An Examination of Value Congruence, Bright Frimpong, Emmanuel Ayaburi, and Francis Andoh-Baidoo


Too Big to Cooperate with a Platform? Effects of Loyal Customer Base and Commission Rate on Seller’s Channel Choices, Danyu Liang, Haiyang Feng, Xinxue (Shawn) Qu, Nan Feng, and Minqiang Li


Persuading Chronically Ill Patients to Subscribe to Medical Services in Physician-Driven Online Health Communities, Yan Li, Haiyun (Melody) Zou, Juhee Kwon, and Yulin Fang


Corporate Nomads: Working at the Boundary Between Corporate Work and Digital Nomadism, Julian Marx, Milad Mirbabaie, and Stefan Stieglitz


Capturing the “Social” in Social Networks: The Conceptualization and Empirical Application of Relational Quality, Christian Meske, Iris Junglas, Matthias Trier, Johannes Schneider, Roope Jaakonmäki, and Jan vom Brocke


Computationally Intensive Research: Advancing a Role for Secondary Analysis of Qualitative Data, Kaveh Mohajeri and Amir Karami


Why Do We Follow Virtual Influencer Recommendations? Three Theoretical Explanations from Brain Data Tested with Self-Reports, Anika Nissen, Colin Conrad, Isabella Seeber, and Aaron J. Newman


Empowering Marginalized Communities: A Framework for Social Inclusion, Israr Qureshi, Babita Bhatt, and Shena Shaikh


Virtual Reality, Mental Model, and Mindful Decision-Making, Heshan Sun, Siyuan Li, Shih-Lun (Allen) Tseng, and Mary A. Peterson


Enhancing Customer Service Chatbot Effectiveness: The Effect of Dyadic Communication Traits on Customer Purchase Intention, Ran Tan, Yang Li, Qian Huang, and Hefu J. Liu


Examining Solver Performance in Crowdsourcing Contests: Does Ambidexterity Matter?, Hua (Jonathan) Ye, Atreyi Kankanhalli, and Bernard Tan


What Is Augmented? A Meta-Narrative Review of AI-Based Augmentation, Inès Baer, Lauren Waardenburg, and Marleen Huysman


The Role of Dissonant Relational Multiplexity in Information System Implementation Failures: Insights from a Grounded Theory Approach, Sutirtha Chatterjee, Suranjan Chakraborty, Kevin Fulk, and Paul Benjamin Lowry


Towards an Understanding of Gig Work Risks and Worker Agency on Different Digital Labor Platforms, Xuefei (Nancy) Deng and Robert D. Galliers


Inverse Transparency and the Quest for Empowerment through the Design of Digital Workplace Technologies, Maren Gierlich-Joas, Abayomi Baiyere, and Thomas Hess


Using a Process Philosophy Perspective in Information Systems Research: Principles of Creative Evolution, David Kreps and Frantz Rowe


Designing Information Systems for Infectious Disease Management VUCA Situation: Insights from a Design Archaeology Analysis of COVIDSafe, Alemayehu Molla, Leona Chandra Kruse, Stan Karanasios, Christopher Cheong, and Giang Hoang


A Typology and Model of Privacy- and Security-Concerned Users’ Attitudes towards Digital Footprints and Consequent Influence on their Social Media Adaptation, Syed Sardar Muhammad, Bidit L. Dey, Hillol Bala, Sharifah Faridah Syed Alwi, and Yousra Asaad


Unraveling Grievance Formation in Online Movement Research: Insights from the Amnesty Sex Worker Policy Protest, Lisen Selander and Sirkka Jarvenpaa


Data Control Coordination in the Formation of Ecosystems in Highly Regulated Sectors, Paolo Spagnoletti, Niloofar Kazemargi, Panos Constantinides, and Andrea Prencipe


Time to Talk About It: Neurodiversity of Information Systems Users in Leisure Settings, Ofir Turel and Antoine Bechara


Agile Project Management Styles and Control Ambidexterity in Agile Information Systems Development Projects: An Exploratory Case Study, Peter Virag, Edward W.N. Bernroider, and Ulrich Remus


Towards Theoretical Rigor in Ethical Analysis: The Case of Algorithmic Decision-Making Systems, Uri Gal, Sean W. Hansen, and Allen S. Lee


Too Drained from Being Agile? The Self-Regulatory Effects of Agile ISD Practices Use and their Consequences for Turnover Intention, Lea Mueller and Alexander Benlian