
This study takes into a broader project intended to investigate the Dig- ital Transformation (DT) process of Non-profit Organisations (NPOs). This re- search refers to the empirical part of the project. Specifically, we adopt an ex- plorative approach to develop a multiple-case analysis of 10 NPOs operating in the United Kingdom. We design and develop a semi-structured interview based on a conceptual DT framework for NPOs defined in a previous step. At the same time, we adopt a socio-technical perspective to carry on the empirical investiga- tion. This study focuses on preliminary analyses of the first wave of interviews with those NPOs’ directors, coordinators or founders. We present some findings, such as the impact of DT on the NPOs’ work, ecosystems, and the effects of the pandemic on their routine. Moreover, we discuss some difficulties in moving from a theoretical perspective to real NPO scenarios. These findings are building a knowledge base to develop a thorough, in-depth (three-stage open, axial and selective coding) analysis. The final remarks focus on the long-term ambition of this research, including limitations and contributions.
