
This paper examines peer-reviewed empirical studies using the General Extended Technology Acceptance Model for E-learning (GETAMEL). We have created a framework for examining the effects of the set of external variables on e-learning acceptance. The study reviews the independent variables (Experience, Subjective Norms, Enjoyment, Computer Anxiety, and Self-efficacy), and dependent variables (Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use, Attitudes Towards Using, Intention to Use, and Actual Use), path coefficients, theoretical backgrounds, and the type of studies performed on the e-learning systems in the literature review. The paper examines the state of current research on the topic and points out gaps in the existing literature. The objective of the paper is both to provide an overview of the literature and to investigate the reasons for e-learning acceptance. As a result of the study, we present the mean values of the relations between variables adequate for the GETAMEL model in all the reviewed works. The findings of the review provide insight for further studies and the use of the GETAMEL model.

Recommended Citation

Strzelecki, A., Cicha, K., Rizun, M., & Rutecka, P. (2022). Using a General Extended Technology Acceptance Model for E-Learning (GETAMEL). A Literature Review of Empirical Studies. In R. A. Buchmann, G. C. Silaghi, D. Bufnea, V. Niculescu, G. Czibula, C. Barry, M. Lang, H. Linger, & C. Schneider (Eds.), Information Systems Development: Artificial Intelligence for Information Systems Development and Operations (ISD2022 Proceedings). Cluj-Napoca, Romania: Risoprint. ISBN: 978-973-53-2917-4. https://doi.org/10.62036/ISD.2022.57

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Full Paper





Using a General Extended Technology Acceptance Model for E-Learning (GETAMEL). A Literature Review of Empirical Studies

This paper examines peer-reviewed empirical studies using the General Extended Technology Acceptance Model for E-learning (GETAMEL). We have created a framework for examining the effects of the set of external variables on e-learning acceptance. The study reviews the independent variables (Experience, Subjective Norms, Enjoyment, Computer Anxiety, and Self-efficacy), and dependent variables (Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use, Attitudes Towards Using, Intention to Use, and Actual Use), path coefficients, theoretical backgrounds, and the type of studies performed on the e-learning systems in the literature review. The paper examines the state of current research on the topic and points out gaps in the existing literature. The objective of the paper is both to provide an overview of the literature and to investigate the reasons for e-learning acceptance. As a result of the study, we present the mean values of the relations between variables adequate for the GETAMEL model in all the reviewed works. The findings of the review provide insight for further studies and the use of the GETAMEL model.